Pantelis Pateniotis
General Manager, HEPSA
Born in Piraeus in 1953.
Graduate of the Ionidion School of Piraeus, graduate of the Hellenic Air Force Academy, Direction of Engineering (SMA) with the specialty: Public Works Engineer.
Special studies in organization & business administration.
From 1975 to 1996 he served in the Hellenic Air Force in the design, construction, monitoring & quality control of important Public Works (personnel accommodation buildings, fuel pipelines, runways and airport technical support buildings, etc.) and worked in various positions, indicatively:
- Head of Project Implementation Services,
- Facilities Maintenance Squadron Commander,
- Head of the Quality Control Laboratory of Soil Mechanics of Concrete and Bituminous,
- Founder & Commander of the Hellenic Air Force Underwater Missions Group,
- Deputy IMF Directorate of Administration Projects,
- Deputy Commander & Commander of the Air Infrastructure Wing.
Since 1996, he has been practicing the profession of Engineer, Business Consultant, Quality Manager, and Quality Auditor.
He also works as a Principal Inspector in Systems:
- Quality Management EN ISO 9001:20015,
- Environmental Management EN ISO 14001:2015,
- Occupational Health & Safety Management EN ISO 45001
- Product & Systems Certification
- ISO/ IEC 17024 Professional Qualifications Certification
- He is a lecturer in Training Seminars for Inspectors, Quality Managers, Building Materials – Energy Efficiency of Materials and Energy Upgrading of Constructions, HR Stores, Financial Monitoring and Company Management.
Since 2004 he has been:
- General Manager of the Hellenic EPS Association,
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Pan-European EPS Producers Association EUMEPS,
- Coordinator & Representative of the Panfederation of Sectoral Bodies of Passive Systems & Energy Saving Systems
- Coordinator & Representative of producers and applicators of building materials & systems,
- Director of Quality Control Firms of Major Projects,
- Technical Expert of the European Committee for Standardization CEN,
- Technical Expert of ELOT
- Inspector of Production Units of Building Materials and Systems.
- Hotel Austerification Inspector.